Thursday, 8 November 2012

"More is more and less is a bore"

Iris Apfel - when I grow up I want to be like her ......

Photos Dazed and Confused, Another Magazine 

Saturday, 25 August 2012

I Spy Spring...

Spring is in the air in Sydney and I'm seeing so many beautiful flowers around - great inspiration for my sketchbook!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Baby It's Cold Outside....

With the cold and dark of winter in Sydney I'm drawn to warm's what I've been seeing, eating, wearing etc
...toasty right?!! 

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Rainy Day Rothko

Some Rothko for a Rainy Day in Sydney 

I'm doing some writing today and have a few Rothko painting images open on my desktop - I enjoy their energy and, though some of the colours are bright, rather than distract they seem to draw and wrap me into a thoughtful zone.
I think Mr Rothko would have considered that a job well done!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Artist ..Lee Jung

I adore the quiet, strong nature of these works - their placement in nature, seemingly devoid of human habitation, seems to turn up the volume on the statements and questions...

The artist was born and lives in Soeul..

Works by Lee Jung

pics via colossal

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Faces and Stories..

1. Girl with a white dog - Lucien Freud 2. Via Google 3. Frances Bacon by Lucien Freud 4. Dorothea Lange 'Migrant Mother' 5.Marie Helvin and David Bailey  

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Eastern Influence...

.. trawling through my photo files and plucked some pics from my trips to Japan and Singapore - coupled with two textile pics that just seem to resonate in terms of colour and movement..

Singapore Autumn Festival

Gen's stunning Vintage Kimono from Tokyo and her perfectly matched Dinosaur Designs Bangles 

Tokyo - Prada
via Pinterest - Ashley Goldberg pattern design 

All pics Sinéad Kelly Except textile print via pinterest

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Today I'd like to be here...

It's raining in Sydney today and whilst I'm not a person who needs constant summer I would prefer my winter with snow, sun and log cabins please and thanks!
This interior would do nicely for a bit of reading or sketching.. 

pic google

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Cloths of Heaven...

I grew up surrounded by ancient mountains, deep lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, moving its might off into forever. 
 It's a place that has inspired painters and poets, provoked passion, joy and sadness.

I now live half a world away from there but I can still close my eyes and feel the very essence of the place - for that at least I'm grateful..

Monday, 2 April 2012

I See...Bright Accessories..

The clocks have changed and we're now in Autumn here in Sydney, and though the winter greys and blacks are in stores everywhere I'm clinging on to bright colour!!

Have BIG LOVE at the moment for bright accessories - here's what's bringing a smile to my face..enjoy :-))...

This is Sam - she knows good art, is talented, colourful and is to be found at her beautiful Kaleidoscope Gallery Waterloo and her newest passion Platform 72 Oxford Street

This is Gen, a gifted artist, genius with colour and one of THE most stylish and lovely people I have the pleasure of knowing.  Gen's wearing a stunning dress from Japan, perfectly accessorised with Dinosaur Designs jewellery (and homewares.. though that bit wasn't really planned!) 

Needed a little bit of hot pink in my life today..hand died silk scarf with my treasured babyanything silver shield ring and current fave Dinosaur Designs resin bangle..(and a little yellow purse for sunshine effect ;-)) 

Pics by Sinéad Kelly and the much better ones by Tommy Ton ;-))

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Seen in..Hosier Lane, Melbourne...

 Hosier Lane Melbourne..hardly a centimetre of wall left bare in the city centre space - took way too many photos to share here!.. so much good street art to see.. some pretty, some political, some highly suspect...but what I loved about the lane is that it has a feeling of being democratic and welcoming to all who care to spend some time and have a look...